
About Us

Located in Ridgefield, WA. We find that the Katahdin Hair Sheep compliments a small farm well. Low maintenance and good mothering of their lambs. To see what we have currently available please mail

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Almost Fair Time

We have given baths and washed away a winters worth of grime :) and taken walks to get better on the lead. Don't want run away sheep in the show ring! It's all part of getting ready for the County Fair. If your in the area be sure to stop on by the Clark County Fair in Ridgefield, WA. We are taking the two rams and one yearling ewe. Having never shown sheep before we are learning the ropes from the ground up. My to do list is not shorter but growing. Before I know it we will be at the fair and moved into the sheep barn.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our small flock is growing

All of the ewes have lambed and there are 6 (3 ram, 3 ewe) lambs. Growing by leaps and bounds the oldest ones are approaching 3 months in age. Brought home the last yearling ewe. We call her 10, she is maturing very nicely and we plan on showing her along with our ram Domingo at local county fairs. This horse girl is going to learn sheep showing :)